FLUUNT Lean-Agile Leadership: Grow with Flow Intelligence

How can we help?

Are you interested in coaching or would you like to book us ad interim? Please select a slot for a free 30-minute discovery call in the calendar below, or reach out via LinkedIn or info@fluunt.de

Peter Krisch
Interim Lean-Agile Leader, Change Manager, Certified Professional Coach

+49 (0)89 45 45 37 26

FLUUNT Lean-Agile Leadership | Growing with Flow Intelligence.

FLUUNT is a network of like-minded Lean-Agile Leaders and Business Coaches. Since 2008, we have been shaping change for organizations, teams and individuals in technology-driven industries. We are certified by leading global organizations, e.g. as advanced Lean-Agile practitioners by Scrum.org and Certified Professional Coaches (PCC) by ICF.