FLUUNT Lean-Agile Leadership: Grow with Flow Intelligence

Agile Enterprise with FLUUNT

Lean-Agile approaches are a viable option to deal with increasingly unpredictable market conditions in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: We have helped our corporate clients overcome the challenges of becoming a more principled and adaptable organization. As experienced Agile Masters, Scrum Masters, Enterprise Coaches or Continuous Improvement Coaches, we take accountability for organizational effectiveness and systemic efficiency.

We co-create ⚗️ lean-agile collaboration structures to empower vibrant, value-adding solution teams.

Our past assignments in the area of Agile Enterprise included the following typical situations:

The “Lean-Agile Kickstart” situation

The complexity of introducing Lean-Agile approaches can best be compared to learning a new language: In addition to “following the rules” (aka grammar), a sense of cultural context and empathy are essential to achieve fluency quickly. Organizations tend to neglect the latter part at the beginning of their Lean-Agile journey and are often stuck in a rather useless mechanistic way of working (around frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, LeSS and SAFe) instead of leveraging the principles of Lean-Agile. We help our corporate clients “get it right” from the start, and guide individuals and teams through the deciding first phase of adopting Lean-Agile.

The “Agile Mindset” situation

Most organizations are used to focussing on industrial-age efficiency to meet their financial goals. In contrast, Agility emphasizes effectiveness, with efficiency being a lagging effect rather than the main goal. This leads to a conflict of mindsets throughout the company: Middle management in particular, traditionally planning with efficiency in mind, are suspected of not having an “Agile mindset”. We have helped our corporate clients balance effectiveness and efficiency and align the organization to common objectives.

The “Agile Scaling” situation

While Agile can work well for individual teams or isolated organizational units, from a business perspective it may not be enough to respond to rapidly changing market conditions. Scaling Agile to the entire organization is a major coordination challenge and often needs to revolve around self-reflection across competing units. We have helped our corporate clients deal with structural, social and personal change situations and made it easier to scale self-management to larger organizational units and the entire company.

FLUUNT Lean-Agile Leadership | Growing with Flow Intelligence.

FLUUNT is a network of like-minded Lean-Agile Leaders and Business Coaches. Since 2008, we have been shaping change for organizations, teams and individuals in technology-driven industries. We are certified by leading global organizations, e.g. as advanced Lean-Agile practitioners by Scrum.org and Certified Professional Coaches (PCC) by ICF.